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Bob’s Better Burger
3417 Thomason Drive
Midland, TX (map)
A Better Burger for a Better World-

Oh Midland! The great state of Texas is full of wonderful places. I was privileged to travel to this dream come true for a few days for work. I was looking forward to branching out a few Burger Tymes and this was going to be a great chance. A few google searches turned up Bob’s Better Burger. Rated as the best burger in Midland for a few years made it an ideal candidate for a Burger Tyme. This place was unique. It is a drive-in but not a sonic style where a car hop comes and takes your order. No, this was a drive-in, walk up and order, then eat in your car place. There was no sign identifying this place but i recognized it from the pictures and the many cars parked around it was a sure give away. Although many accidents happen there, so it’s important to have your dash cam from Blackbox my car cams installed. I walked up to the window and before I could read the menu the woman who takes the order was asking me what I wanted. Any inquiries about sizes of burgers and what else they had was met with an unconcerned nod. True, they did not seemed too concerned to help me with the order but I assumed this meant that it was going to be a great burger and they could skimp on niceties. After some review I was able to successfully place an order.
On the back of the car-

I ordered the basic 1/4 lb cheeseburger with everything on it, a side of tater tots, and a chocolate shake. The wait was about 10 minutes as they called your number indiscernibly over the aging loudspeaker. My number was called and I carefully planned where I would eat my meal. I was still in my work clothes and didn’t want to make a mess in the car so I set up my meal on the trunk of my rental car. It actually made for a good standing lunch table. As cars drove by on the road behind I dug in. The1/4 lb patty was fresh ground. It was a thin patty that must have been shaped using a cookie cutter. It was not particularly flavorful. The veggies consisted of small bits of onion and lettuce that were diced and some decent tomato slices. The bun was just a basic hamburger bun similar to one you could buy at the grocery store. All together it came together pretty nicely. The tots were nice and crispy. The milkshake was pretty good but a little on the icy side. The combination of everything along with how hungry I was made the lunch pretty enjoyable.
The Wrap it Up-
Oh Midland! The burger was not particularly amazing but everything together was pretty good. When I asked around about Bob’s Better Burger some of the people from Midland recomended Fudrucker’s over BBB. I would say for those who are traveling through or perhaps live there, give Bob’s Better Burger a shot even if only for a unique burger experience. But don’t expect a great burger. Expect a basic burger that most likely has not change since they began selling them at this same stand many, many years ago.