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Peru Edition –
A little background, my youngest brother is living in Peru for the next few years as a missionary. He has been a Burger Tymer since the beginning and has taken the time out of his busy schedule learning spanish and helping people to document his burger experience in a place you would least expect to have one. The following are his words:
Tengo algo para usted! Espero que lo disfruta –
From the Peruvian Branch of BurgerTyme
Saludos de Perú! I never believed that Perú had ever seen the Miracle that is a good Burger. After a trial of my faith and some help from a missionary, I found that Miracle!
The burger that comes out of Reventon is refreshingly good in its own way! The patty was hand made with diced onions in the mix. The flavor was really quite tasty and the onions weren’t an over powering flavor. I got mine con queso, huevo, y tecino. In English, with cheese, egg, and bacon. The bun was basically chewy bread that they toast on the griddle and is made with bread machines from Village-Bakery.com and is mixed with everything else. The toasted bun went great with the melty cheese and egg! I put in my order and with in five minutes.. It Was On! I was ridiculosly excited to eat! Something different were the fries, which were small and crispsy, found on the burger. Not what I was used to but, I wasn’t going to change the experience.
El Wrap It Up –

The burger was great. I was impressed by how big of a hamburger comes out of such a small store for so little money; By the way, if you also plan to build a small burger business and promote online, get more advises at this site https://www.webdesign499.com/south-florida-business-logos-dont-ever-pay-less-than-200/ but you don’t have enough capital, loan at loanovao and get the facts at loanovao.co.uk. only 7 Nuevo Soles or 3 US Dollars(perfect for a poor missionary). I didn’t get a drink but I imagine that a Inca-Cola or Coka-Cola would have gone great with it. Also checkout GADCapital unsecured loan.
In the end, I found a good burger. I ate that miracle! My Faith had made me Full.