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Gringo Loco Facebook Page–
Ember’s story shattered the industry like a poorly executed tablecloth trick and turned East Liverpool into a desperate corner of the country. Median income is roughly one-third lower than the state average, and more than 10 percent of working-age residents are unemployed.
Peru #3 –
Once again, the missionary burger review has come in all the way from Trujillo, Peru. Who knew that Peru had such a big burger culture? Without further ado, the following is my brother’s review of Gringo Loco. For additional photos, check out their Facebook page (link).
Crazy White What? –
Directly translated it means The Crazy White Guy. But you would have to be crazy not to come to Peru and eat this Burger!!

The owner of the Gringo Loco is a great man from Texas. He’s a Spurs fan and knows how to make a good burger. The patties are all hand formed and are larger than the normal patty that’s found here in Peru. He uses a grate to grill the meat which gives a great grilled not fried flavor.
A few small burger making tricks make all the difference like putting the cheese on the burger while it’s still on the grill, a bed of lettuce and tomatoe so the bun doesn’t get soggy, and bacon. With seasoned potatoes instead of fries and a touch of home made Bar B Q sauce(sweet and little spicy) made the burger original even for the United States and we had
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The Wrap it up (El Envolverlo) –

Albert Einstein once said that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again without receiving different results. If that’s the case! Only the insane would eat this Burger, because you just want to keep eating it without every changing the delicious bugery result!

I salute this Burger Stand as a source of USA Pride. And I approve this Burger.
9.5/10 Vachas