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Good Dog
224 South 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102 (map)
It’s a dog’s life-

The city of Brotherly Love! Philadelphia! Home of Rocky, cheese steaks, and the liberty bell (not listed in order of importance). I was fortunate enough to attend a training for work and stayed in the heart of Philly. My hotel was across the street from the famous City Hall with the infamous statue of William Penn standing on top of the clock tower. It was a great location in a pretty cool city. This was my second time here. The first time I did all of the typical Philly tourist things; I ran to the Rocky stairs (aka The Philadelphia Museum of Art), I had some locally recommended cheese steaks, and saw the Liberty Bell. This time around I had a different goal in mind… Find the best burger in a city that gets their cheese in Whiz form. Much of my research turned up a solid list of candidates. On my first night in Philadelphia I was talking with a guy who had worked in Philadelphia for the past six months or so and was attending the same training. I asked him the questions “Where can I get a good burger around here?” was met with the immediate, unhesitating response “Good Dog!”. Lucky me! Good Dog showed up on quite a few of the best burger lists that I had been perusing. Being the extra lucky dog that I am, Good Dog was only a few blocks from where we were having this conversation. We were able to convince another person to join us and we headed down the narrow streets of downtown Philadelphia in search for a Great Burger Tyme. As we approached Good Dog, I almost walked right past it. It had a very cool, old pub facade that made it rather inconspicuous. As we entered I noticed that Good Dog had won the award for the “Best Gourmet Burger at a Dive Bar” in Philadelphia for 2005. While that seemed like an overly specific accolade, it was still impressive. We entered in and were greeted by low, pressed tin ceilings and a lot of people. We made our way down the bar and found a booth near the back. All along the walls were framed pictures of puppies and other dogs which is funny because they also sell food dog for the pet of their clients, I bought one of the best calming treats for dogs for my dog there. Go Here if you are a dog lover, as it would be great! There was heavy metal music playing when we arrived but it quickly moved into other genres providing quite an eclectic atmosphere. Over all it was cool place. But all of this would be meaningless if there was not decent food. I opened the menu and then the real excitement began!
Lucky Dog!!!-
As I read the menu I couldn’t believe what I was about to order. The good dog burger consists of 1/2 pound of sirloin that they grind themselves, the patty is stuffed with roquefort cheese, and topped with caramelized onions, all served on a brioche bun. Did I mention that this falls under “Gourmet Burgers”? It seems that if people in Philly want a burger, it has to be gourmet. Anyway, I placed my order for the Good Dog Burger cooked medium. I honestly couldn’t wait to get this burger not just b/c I was hungry from my Rocky stairs run earlier that evening (what can I say, I’m still a tourist). As we waited the music changed genres about 4 more times and we all chattered loudly. It was really a great atmosphere. Our food was brought to the table and I have to say I was extremely impressed. This was a big burger, and the cheese that was stuffing the patty was running over the side of the bun it sat on. The first bite was amazing! I can’t say that I have ever had roquefort cheese before but it added a great savory, pungent flavor to the juicy beef patty. The sweet caramelized onions were a great counterpoint to the patty. The bun was great too. It was soft and just chewy enough to complement everything else. This was a burger that required NO ketchup. It was so juicy and flavorful the way it was that I don’t think you could have added anything to it and had it taste better. The fries were a mix of regular and sweet potato fries. They were good but did not really stand out at all compared to how much I was enjoying this burger! While it was big even for a 1/2 pound burger I managed to finish it with relative ease.
The Wrap it Up-

Ohh man!!!!! I couldn’t have possibly imagined a better start for Burger Tyme in Philadelphia. This was seriously a great burger! I talked about it for days after I had it. Being delicious however was not my only consideration. Did I mention that this was a “Gourmet Burger”? While “gourmet” means better and non-traditional ingredients (in theory), it also means that it is not a cheap burger. Now this burger and fries meal was $11 but with a soft drink and tip it came out to about $15. That’s pretty steep for one meal but I have to admit, I would eat it again in a heart beat! While a few notable burger review sites were not extremely impressed with Good Dog, I would recommend it to anyone who loves burgers and will be in the downtown Philadelphia area.