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Chris Madrid’s
1900 Blanco Road
San Antonio, TX 78212 (map)
Burger Tyme Road Trip #1 – Chris Madrids (San Antonio)-

The open road. That’s where we were heading. My wife, my sweet dog, Pearl, and I were embarking on a road trip to see some of our nations beautiful national Parks. However, before we could witness nature in its harnessed beauty, we had to drive. And drive. And drive. It would be 14 hours from our home to our first destination, Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico. The first three of those hours would be bringing us to San Antonio, home of Chris Madrid’s. I could not wait to get back to this burger place. I had eaten here numerous times a few years ago when I was traveling for work. This was B.B.T. (Before Burger Tyme) so I did not take the opportunity to document my experience. I wasn’t about to let this slip through my burger eating fingers again. We hit the road bright and early on Tuesday and made our way West. The drive between Houston and San Antonio is not particularly beautiful or eventful (with the exception of stopping at Bucee’s). I watched with anticipation as the Garmin counted down the miles until we arrived at our first Burger Tyme Road trip destination. At around 1:30pm we arrived at the corner of Blanco and W. Hollywood. Chris Madrid’s is an interesting place. From the outside there is really nothing indicating that there is a restaurant inside the blandish, slightly run down structure. Another item is that it is not exactly clear where to enter the building. There is no door that is easily visible from the road or parking lot (that is across the street). You actually go around the back of the building through the outdoor patio area to go inside to order. Once inside, the place opens up. It is much bigger than you would expect. The next challenge is figuring out where to order. Hint, it’s all the way to the left, down a ramp, and around the side to the right… Clear? Right, when you finally make to the small ordering corner you are faced with some surprising burger options.
Viva Tostada!!!-

The lovely lady taking our order explained to us that Chris Madrid’s is known for their cheddar cheese. That was great news to me because I love cheese. Not so much for my wife who orders plain, dry burgers YUCK! On the top of their menu is their specialty, The Tostada Burger. I’ve thought many times “What could possibly make a cheese burger better?”. Well, Chris Madrid’s has the answer: add refried beans, tortilla chips, and fresh salsa. Without hesitation that is what I ordered. They have two sizes, the regular and the macho. Being that I am already married and do not need to impress any ladies I did not order the macho. We also ordered a regular order of fries to split. Once our order was placed we moved down the bar/line/pick-up area thing and got our drinks. We then moved a little further down where they had fresh salsas. We fixed a few cups and went and found a spot in the outside patio under some trees so Pearl could come sit with us and eat her cheeseburger (no joke) flavored dog food. The weather was not super nice but at least it wasn’t hot. The wait time was about 15 minutes when they finally called our number. With great anticipation I walked back in and picked up our tray. These burgers looked and smelled amazing. Even though these were not the “Macho” burgers they still were rather large. To say that they are proud of their cheese is an understatement. The bottom half of my burger was not visible due to the skirt of cheese it was wearing. When picking the burger, which required both hands, I noticed that this is a floppy burger. The first bite was great!!! The savor of the cheese, the patty combined with the earthy refried beans and the crunch of the chips made for a flavor and texture experience that few burgers have every achieved. To top it all off the fresh salsa added a comparable but much more enjoyable tomato element than ketchup. This was a messy burger. I had salsa and bean all over my hands but it didn’t matter. I didn’t put it down once until it was all gone. The fries were also very good. They were fresh cut and fried to a good texture. I like them a little crispier but that is hard to achieve with fresh cut. I will sacrifice crispy for fresh any day.
The Wrap It Up!-
So I think it is pretty clear what I thought if this first stop on our Burger Tyme Road Trip Adventure. It was great. The people there were really friendly and helpful. They even gave me a bumper sticker saying I ate the macho, even though I didn’t. There may be better burgers in the traditional burger sense, but if you want a unique burger, that is also delicious, go to Chris Madrid’s in San Antonio.
Stay tuned for more adventures on the Great American Highway!
Other Chris Madrid Reviews:
Texas Burger Guy
San Antonio Burger Blog