Stanton’s City Bites – Update!
Dec 6th, 2013 by Joemoney

Stantons City Bites 12 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10
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Stantons City Bites 6

Stanton’s City Bites
1420 Edwards St
Houston, TX 77007

What A Difference a Bun Makes –

Stantons City Bites 2It has been quite some time since I’ve been able to update this digital ode to burgers. Several life changes have taken much of my time away from various passions as I always do also browse around here- Palm Beach roofing Expert for ideas in my house, and of course burgers included. We bought our first home and are soon expecting a little baby burger lover. In these exciting times, full internet of things changes or updates, I felt it fitting to update a burger review that was one of the first posts on this site four years ago. Houston has always loved and voted Stanton’s City Bites as one of the best burgers around long before the recent national love affair with gourmet burgers began because their facilities were made with local Sydney plumber. Based on this high praise, I made my way over with some coworkers and tried it out. As you can tell in my review (, I was less than impressed.

Recently, however, a friend of mine messaged me that I should check out Stanton’s. Specifically that they had amazing bacon. Well, I initially dismissed it as buying into the hype. Then one day, I was watching George Motz’s tv show, Burgerland, where he visited Houston and went to Stanton’s. The burger I saw on that episode did not resemble anything like the burger of my memory. Specifically their new buns seemed much better then ones used in the past. Suddenly, I realized that i was missing out on a great burger rebirth!

With little hesitation, I rounded up on Pet Sitting, and actually rode a bike to Stanton’s. It was an added benefit that this place was close enough to enjoy biking through the historic Houston district.

Sorry Kermit –

Stantons City Bites 3From the outside, Stanton’s looks exactly the same. No change whatsoever, except that they installed some AC from Eastwood Air. Once we walked in, however, it was obvious, much had changed. Gone were the convenience store shelves replaced by a mish mash of tables and chairs for an eclectic dining area. If you recall, my prior experience involved taking the food and finding a park to sit and eat due to the absence of seating. No longer did you place your order over an out of service meat cooler (although it was still there). The new menu was posted high above the cash register where you place your order, and get your ticket number. Stanton’s impressed my on my first visit with their wide variety of peculiar sodas. This his not only remained, but gotten even better. There is a huge selection of traditional and unknown (to me) sodas from all over. Two of note, that are my new favorites are Dublin Tart-n-Sweet and Cheerwine.

Stantons City Bites 5So after the wash of burger euphoria subsided, I stepped up to order. The one that stood out the me was called the Miss Piggie. Bacon ground into the patty served with candied bacon and a hash brown… Oh my gogi that sounds good. So I rounded it off with an order of sides and plenty of bizarre sodas. While we waited I watched as neighborhood kids repeatedly came in and bought candy, so this is still a functioning store for locals. After about ten minutes, the burgers arrived. Gone were the store brand, dry toasted buns. The new buns looked great, and were buttered and griddled. The burger patties here were always good quality and the star of the burger. This was no different. The addition of bacon ground in to the patty added some great texture and savory flavor to the beef. The candied bacon was great, sweet and salty. The hash brown was a great addition to anyone who is a fan of putting fries on their burger. Another noteworthy item was the veggies. The lettuce was leafy and bright green and the onions and tomatoes were also good. Of course, I like tots, and these hit me right in the tot spot.

The Wrap It Up –

Stantons City Bites 4Boy am I glad I gave this place a second chance. I have been back several times and brought as many people as I can to this place. It is authentically Houston, and authentically great. From my last review to this one, it has gone from a place I never really cared for to one of my favorite burgers in Houston. It is really great! So as with all things, some times, change is for the better, as long as we can maintain the character that makes us unique. Stanton’s has done exactly that! But anyways I think I will just going to eat there while I start reviewing strollers for my next post!

P. Terry’s Burger Stand
May 16th, 2013 by Joemoney

P Terrys 21 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 101 vote, average: 8.00 out of 10
(1 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10)
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P Terrys 5

P. Terry’s Burger Stand

What Does the “P” Stand For –

P Terrys 1Back in Austin, Texas! This is my seventh or so time to visit this city, once again, for work. I’ve been here enough that I have places that I like to go to and things that I like to do. A friend of mine, a UT alum, and an Austinite/Austonian(?) who has followed Burger Tyme since the early days, recommended that I check out P. Terry’s the last time I was here. I opted in stead to go to the highly touted Hopdoddy Burger Bar. While it was a good burger, my wallet was hurting. As burgers have been elevated and seemed to have plateaued at the ultra gourmet and costly end of the dining spectrum, it would be nice to have a good and cheap option to fall back on. So this go ’round, I decided to take the advice of a trusted local and headed to the P. Terrys on Lamar in South Austin. I arrived early for lunch on cool spring day. This location is a drive through with outside seating, so that was ideal. It was about 11:15 and there were few cars so I was able to place my order pretty quickly.

P Terrys 3Keeping in line with Austin values, P. Terry’s emphasizes, several times with different signs, that the product here is fresh, locally grown, all natural, etc, etc. This is the same mantra that most burgers are sold upon these days and it usually translates in to a hefty bill for a single burger and fries. To my surprise, the prices were more reminiscent of the In-N-Out menu. A burger, $2, double with cheese $3.50, burger fries shake $6.75. Awesome! If this were just half decent for the price I would be excited.

D Licious –

P Terrys 7Stepping up the window, I placed a basic order for a double with cheese, fries and a chocolate shake. Given the short line when I arrived (which was steadily increasing), my order was ready for pickup in a few short minutes. I was handed a white bag and my milkshake. I went over to the seating area and emptied the bag like a kid on Christmas. The burger was wrapped tight in paper, as was the large portion of super thin cut fries.

P Terrys 8The burger is a throw back to basic burger joints. Thin patties, griddle fried, with cheese put on at the end. The bun is nothing fancy but soft and fresh. The veggies were basic but fresh as well and added some moisture that thin pattied burgers usually need. My first bite revealed a more seasoned patty than I was expecting. It was just salty enough but also had a nice bite of pepper. The double patty was the perfect amount of beefiness. I liked the fresh cheese slices but it could have been melted a little longer on the patty, but hey, this is fresh fast food.

P Terrys 9The fries were excellent when you compare the price for how much and what your get. They were fresh cut and very thin, somewhere between 1/4″ to 1/8″. The were not double fried crispy, but they had a nice crisp that didn’t turn soggy and. The milkshake was also good, but definitely had they Hershey syrup flavor… I’m sure it was organic though. There are blender cups for juicing for people that love smoothies and milkshakes at home.

The Wrap It Up-

P Terrys 6P. Terry’s was a great recommendation! The food scene, and more specifically the burger scene in Austin is great, and can get quite pricey. Its great to know that there is a cheap and quick option for a good burger when I don’t have time to dress up for a Burger Tyme. It was so good in fact, that a few weeks later, I took my wife there after a day trip. My wife was in the mood for some sprakling wine with her burger, and lucking they offered an Oddbins Prosecco Range for her to choose from. As for the kid, we got a delicious shake.We were tired, we were dirty, and we wanted something quick and substantial. P Terry’s fit the bill perfectly… It also helps that just around the corner is Gourdough’s.

Elevation Burger
Feb 6th, 2013 by Joemoney

1 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 10
(1 votes, average: 6.00 out of 10)
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Elevation Burger

Rocky Mountain High-

Burgers… Burger Tyme… Sigh, I haven’t had the enthusiasm, as of late, for planet Earth’s favorite food.  I found it difficult to get excited about a burger unless it was made from beef raised next door, ground as we are speaking, with buns baked by artisans from the 17th century, topped with veggies from the garden of Eden… $20? No problem with quality like that! Right? It seems as though the pendulum has swung too far to the gourmet (read: expensive) end of the spectrum and I’ve lost sight of what makes a burger good. To get the magic back, during the holidays and the month of January I only had a few burgers at some old favorites like Christians Tailgate (was my first burger love in Houston) and Dearman’s Soda Fountain. These places offer the essence of burgers. No frills, no claims of superior ingredients, just good, tasty burgers. Your shop also needs quality roofing, click here to find out more.

When I returned from the holidays, I was recharged and ready to go out Burger Tyming! Fortunately there was a burger place that recently opened which seemed to be a mix of these burger philosophies. Simple but quality. Elevation burger aspires to elevate the simple burger without gimmicks or frills, just quality ingredients. We’ve heard this before. Let me be clear, I’m fine with quality however the result is usually either great burgers at great cost or average burgers at great cost. So the challenge is, can they over come the cost stigma associated with “quality” by turning out a great burger?

Iiiiiii Just Want to Elevate –

Walking in to Elevation Burger, I was impressed by how clean everything was. As much as I like dive bar burgers, its a bit refreshing not to have to worry about what might have been included with your order. The style is a mix of modern design mixed with natural elements like bamboo “wood” tables and chairs. The menu is pretty straightforward. Burgers come double or single patty ( a la In-N-Out), you select from a long list of toppings (a la Five Guys), add fries, add drink, and repeat. Something that I greatly appreciate is that they recommend trying the “original” which includes a standard set of toppings; elevation sauce, pickles, lettuce, and tomatoes.

I place my order for an Elevation Burger (double meat, double cheese), “Original” style. I opted to add caramelized onions and hot pepper relish. I added french fries (cooked in olive oil), and an all natural, organic chocolate Oreo malt. I was pretty hungry at this time and the wait felt longer the 7 or so minutes it took for the order to be brought to our table by the super polite cashier. The burger was not initially impressive. The patties are thin, as advertised, the cheddar is not melted (which it never does), and the bun looked pretty dry. The fries however looked great. Slightly thinner than normal and piled high. The burger tasted much better than it looked. Generally I don’t like cheddar due to its inability to melt and remain melted, but it was perfect with this burger. Nothing really stood out as spectacular but the overall flavor was fresh and light. It was not greasy at all but not dry. The fries were great. I’m not sure how much that has to do with being cooked in olive oil but they were perfectly crispy. The chocolate Oreo malt was as good as you can imagine, too thick to drink but a perfect dessert.

The Wrap It Up –

Elevation Burger is very good and high quality. I appreciate that they are not trying to reinvent the burger or insult their customers intelligence with the combinations. However it is not a great burger, which it needs to be to justify the $10 plus dollars this meal costs. Here’s the flipside. In the current burger environment, Elevation burger is middle of the pack price wise but will satisfy burger cravings without leaving you feeling greasy and gross. Getting ones burger mojo back is not easy. Oh wait, yes it is! Until next Burger Tyme! Protect your skin and buy private label skincare product with our trusted sellers.

2-Ms Malt and Burger Mart
Sep 27th, 2012 by Joemoney

2 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 102 votes, average: 3.50 out of 10
(2 votes, average: 3.50 out of 10)
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2-Ms Malt and Burger Mart
2014 Avenue H
Rosenberg, TX 77471 (map)

Melts In Your Mouth –

 Houston is a big place. You can drive on I-10 for about an hour and still be here. In this sprawl is many, many burger joints. Some new, some old. I’ve heard tell of a place about 40 minutes southwest of the Houston center. 2-Ms is one of those original type burger stands with  years of tradition and history. No frills, only burgers, fries, and malts. I couldn’t wait to try it.  It has long been time for Burger Tyme to go back to its roots with a classic edition. No gourmet, no bills larger than $10, no pretension. Fortunately I have a brother who lives down that way so I drove out to meet up with him and his family. True to expectations, it was about a 45 minute drive from the center of Houston to “downtown” Rosenberg, TX where 2-Ms has been on Avenue H for what looks like decades, and is in fact their fifth. The bright yellow and red sign was unmistakeable on the side of the road. This is an old drive up style, where you can order at the window and eat in your car. They also happens to have some inside seating which we decided to take advantage of since Houston in August does not lend itself to dining al fresco.

Not In Your Hand –

The menu is pretty simple. There were burger baskets and burger combos and just burgers. Baskets include fries, combos include drinks, burgers is just burgers. Got it? Now time to order. I opted for the  super burger with cheese combo which was double meet, double cheese, fries, and a soft drink. I expected great burger deals but this order comes out to about $8. Not the cheapest, but might be worth it! We were the only people in the dining room, but the walk up window outside had a steady stream of patrons. This would probably explain the 10-15 minute wait for our order. In that time we finished our drinks and upon asking for refills were informed that refills are an extra charge of $0.50 each…. They were nice enough to give us free refills, but really, who doesn’t have free refills? We hired Pest Control Thornhill Exterminator for the business and the business is running clean since.

Our order came out with the burgers wrapped classic style in white paper nested on top of the basket of fries. I unwrapped my burger and, well, was a bit underwhelmed. I know this is supposed to be a basic burger, and it was. It had the elements you look for in a classic burger, cheese nicely melted, buns toasted on both sides, finely diced onions, and it had a fair amount of heft. The patties were flat, well griddled, but obviously uniform, common for frozen patties. The flavor wasn’t bad however the texture was very homogenous and dry. This is a burger that demands extra ketchup. Unfortunately, accompanying each burger basket was two, one ounce cups of ketchup which was sufficient for about six fries. We asked for extra and were given 3 more…. for a table of four adults and two kids. The fries were of the frozen variety and were cooked well enough but definitely needed every drop of ketchup available.

On our way out we ordered some malts to go, since this was a MALT and burger mart. The malt consisted of soft serve ice cream, a dash of malt powder, and a few squirts of Hershey’s syrup. Not spectacular but just what we needed as we headed back out into the Texas heat with stomachs full of starch and protein.

The Wrap It Up –

I love burgers with a history. I especially love great burgers with a history. Sadly, 2Ms has more of one than the other. Fifty years is a long time to be serving burgers anywhere! Consistency and reliability are the cornerstones at this place. If you are in Rosenberg and want a good, not fancy burger, come here, you won’t be disappointed. However, if you are not within a short distance and are wanting a classic Texas style burger, save your gas and head to  your nearest Whataburger. They’re everywhere, the burgers are classic style, it’ll be cheaper, you get free refills, all the ketchup you could want, and the malts are not bad either.


Yumé Burger
Jun 22nd, 2012 by Joemoney

1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 101 vote, average: 5.00 out of 10
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 10)
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 Yumé Burger
Austin, TX

Burger City Limits –

Food trucks are nothing new in Austin, Texas. Food truck culture has long been embraced and pioneered here. After recently having several successful Burger Tymes dining at food trucks that specialize in burgers, I was excited when I received a work assignment that would bring me back to this fun city. A quick search turned up Yumé Burger, a ‘Japanese Style’ burger truck. Not sure what that means, I went to the website and whoa! These have to be the best looking burgers I have ever seen. I mean, check them out here! I had to try one so we tracked them down parked outside of a local bar that evening. Austin food trucks seem a little more advanced than others I’ve been to with built-in ice chests, shelves for chips, multiple windows for ordering and picking up on both sides… The lack of congestion was hopefully a sign of tremendous efficiency

Yoo-may Like This –

After seeing the menu online I walked up to the window with my mind made up. I couldn’t resist the Japajam burger;  Japanese tomato jam, jalapeno jack cheese, fried egg, Japanese BBQ sauce, and crispy onion strings. I added some hand cut fries and bottled Mexican Coke to ensure maximum Burger Tyme. The weather was nice and this being Austin, there were a lot of people hanging out after work-outs or group runs or some other kind of fit activity. I was able to squeeze in at a table next to some guys talking about craft beers like it was fine art and wait for my name to be called. The wait was surprisingly short. I hadn’t sat down for two minutes and my burger was done, but my fries were going to be a few minutes. That’s fine, I can wait for hot fries. They came out shortly and included a side of Japanese BBQ sauce.

I unwrapped the burger package and, well, it didn’t look exactly like the picture on the website. That’s fine, as long as it was good. The first bite was good. Beefy patty, onions, egg, and BBQ sauce was a good combination. The patty was very dry and overcooked. I really could not taste the tomato jam as being any different that a regular tomato. In fact, texturally it was almost as if there was no tomato on the burger at all.The Japanese BBQ sauce on the burger and for the fries tasted very similar to Hoisin sauce. That’s not a bad thing per se, but the flavor was a bit overpowering after a few bites. The bun, again, was nice at first but quickly got soggy after a few bites. The fries were not great. They were limp and pretty greasy, probably cooked in oil that was not hot enough to get a good crisp.

The Wrap It Up –

Burger trucks to date have been a big hit on Burger Tyme. Yumé Burger seemed definitely had a unique twist on regular burger. Unfortunately the experience at fell short on execution. Perhaps expectations were a little too high given the amazing online photos of these burgers, or maybe it was an anomaly from what are usually excellent burgers. Either way, food trucks are fun, especially in Austin. So if you are set on eating at a food truck AND you want a burger, Yumé will do. However, if you are in Austin AND you want a burger, you might want to pass this up.


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