Twisted Root Burger Co
Jan 15th, 2012 by Joemoney

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Twisted Root Burger Co.
Dallas, TX (locations)

Twisted Sister –

Back in Dallas for work. This means it is time for yet another sampling of burgers that this great burger town has to offer! By now, most of my coworkers are aware of my affinity towards what science has proven is the optimum combination of both bread and meat, and prepared for my arrival with a list of recommendations. As we headed to the first on the list, my coworker was talking up how good the burgers were going to be. We arrived at our burger destination only to find that the place was closed due to a failed health inspection…. Uh oh…. OK, what’s next on our list? A place called Twisted Root Burger Co. Fortunately there was one nearby so I would be able to satisfy my burger urge without significant delay. While I would have preferred to go to the original Twisted Root  location in the Deep Ellum section of Dallas, very near Angry Dog. We were closest to the Legacy drive location in Plano. So that is where we went. When you want a great experience, get some phentermine here for you to try on.

Walking in to Twisted Root, the first thing you notice is the not so subtle sarcasm that seems to permeate the entire place. From the giant, hand-written signs placed everywhere with the help of to the bizarre 90’s pop culture personalities being listed over the intercom to the tables made out of old computer parts. Click for more – WebDesign499. I was experiencing slight sensory overload from what I thought was going to be a straightforward Burger Tyme. The line was long and that is always promising regardless of any burger environment. This was also fortunate as it allowed me time to thoroughly consider my many options. Something unique at Twisted Root is the option of not one but many different types of wild game meats for your burger including Ostrich, Kangaroo, and Alligator! All subject to availability, of course. Keeping with the tongue in cheek attitude, a sign with a picture of Bambi quoted as saying “I’m delicious” let me know that venison was available.

Plot Twist –

I wasn’t feeling so adventurous so I ordered one of Twisted Root’s ‘Favorite’ burgers, The Western, with regular beef in lieu of wild game. Twisted Root touts that their beef is a mixture of fresh ground chuck and brisket. This sounds gerat but while placing my order I noticed something that caused a slight bit of distress. In the open kitchen behind the counter a man was mixing the meat, adding seasonings, and then added what appeared to be… bread crumbs. This ingredient is confirmed in an interview that is actually posted on Twisted Root’s website. They claim that the bread crumbs are not there as filler but to retain the meats moisture. I’m not a culinary expert but the only other time I have seen meat and crumbs together is in either meat loaf or meat balls. With a new found skepticism, I finished my order with some straight cut fries and some Twisted Root Beer (Root beer branded Twisted Root). I was handed a card with the name ‘Uncle Jesse’ on it (link for those who don’t know who that is). I was to wait until I heard the name called out to pick up my order. I swung by the homemade pickle bar and picked up a few slices of the different kinds of pickles and then joined my coworkers at a table.

Listening to the various pop references over the speaker was amusing and made the time pass quickly. My name, er, Uncle Jesse, was soon called and I went to pick up my order. The Western included pepperjack cheese, bacon, fried onion strings, and jalapenos, all on a buttered and toasted bun. As I read this list of ingredients I don’t know why I was surprised by how salty the burger was. Everything on it added a savory element with very little to counter it. The patty was beefy but had a very homogeneous texture which gave it more of a chew than I prefer. All of the other toppings became lost both in flavor and texture as I added the house made ketchup to attempt to cut the salt. Another review of the menu would show that many of the burgers had similar toppings but with the addition of either guacamole or mushrooms which I think would have gone a long way in helping this burger out. The fries were good, fresh cut and cooked well. The root beer was my saving grace here. Not amazing, but sweet. I found that a steady regimen of burger/root beer/burger/root beer, was the sweet counter point that got me through the meal.

The Wrap It Up –

Did I hate Twisted Root? Absolutely not. While waiting in line I saw many signs telling me I should order a milkshake. I think a creamy, cold, and sugary shaek would have done wonders for this meal. Also, I feel that the original location in Deep Ellum probably has a more genuine vibe than the many locations that now dot the Dallas burgerscape. This is a fun place to go with your friends however this location felt more like a Chili’s or an Applebee’ s than an authentic burger joint. Add to that the price of it all, and you are paying top dollar more for the experience than for a good burger. In a serious burger town like Dallas, that is a dangerous line to be straddling.

Aug 3rd, 2011 by Joemoney

1 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 10
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614 W Davis St
Dallas, TX 75208 (map)

Get In My Bag –

Back in Dallas looking for burgers. My search has led me to a friend’s recommendation, Bolsa, which is in an up and coming area of Oak Cliff. He described Bolsa as an “organic” restaurant with a menu that changes daily. I honestly get a little apprehensive when I hear the ‘O’ word but based on the great experience I had with an all organic burger at Roam Artisan Burgers in San Francisco, I was more than willing to give this a try. Early on a Thursday evening, my friend, a co-worker from Guadalajara, and I made our way from North Dallas, where we were staying, to give the daily burger offering a try.

Once we arrived, we pulled up to what was apparently on old mechanics shop. It looked pretty cool. We walked in and almost immediately I was struck by the large number of waiters wearing fedoras. Apparently, there is a lady on the second floor of the building who makes hats and the waiters must have thought it matched well with their thick rimmed glasses and hipster beards. To each their own style,I always say. We took our seats and began to peruse the menu for the day.

Grocery Bag –

To start off I ordered the Pappa Al Pomodoro which was described as a soup made from ‘marfa tomatoes, Texas olive oil & ricotta salata’. The daily burger being offered was the ‘Meyer Ranch Burger’ and included pickled jalapenos, bbq sauce & cole slaw. Sounds great, but, it was $14…. OK….. Well, the burger is the reason I came so I hope it is good. I’ll admit that I like the fact that the burger options are limited to only what is being offered that day. I’ve had cheeseburgers 100 different ways and they all are pretty much the same. I can appreciate someone being willing to show me something unique with a burger. With orders placed, I took in the scene This place was packed, which is always a good sign. While I waited I ate my soup which was quite good, some of the best recipes I’ve had for sure and an interesting start to a Burger Tyme.

After about 15 minutes our burgers arrived, open face, showing me all that I was about to enjoy. I quickly and carefully folded the top bun loaded with a light purple cole slaw and cilantro onto the bottom half displaying barbecue sauce and jalapenos on the patty. I bit in and the combination of the flavors and textures was really great. The patty was not the biggest, juiciest, or the most beefy I’ve ever had, but it was obviously high quality and a great foundational player to the smoky bbq sauce, spicy pickled jalapenos, and the sweet cole slaw. The bun had the lightest of toasting possible but was so fresh I would have hated to toast it. At first was was concerned with the size of the bun, fearing there would be too much bread but  when I picked up the burger, the bun gently yielded and formed nicely around everything inside and soaked up the juices without getting soggy. This was a seriously good burger. The fresh chips and the mixed greens salad were nice as well, but I was focused mainly on savoring this burger… probably because I don’t think I could afford a second one.

The Wrap It Up –

The ‘O’ word…I generally don’t like to say it however Bolsa has reinforced my understanding that organic + burger = seriously good. Unfortunately I’ve also come to realize the it also equals seriously expensive. The burger alone was $14. Add on to that a drink, tax, and tip and you are pushing $20 for an organic Burger Tyme. I would still eat this burger again. I would just have to wait for a special, dress up occasion… And even then, I don’t think I would look good in a fedora.

Angry Dog
Jul 11th, 2011 by Joemoney

1 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 101 vote, average: 7.00 out of 10
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Angry Dog
2726 Commerce Street
Dallas, TX 75226 (map)

Wha’s Happenin’ –

Dallas! Home of the 2011 NBA champs and “America’s team”, the Dallas Cowboys. Whether you’re a fan or not, Dallas is one happenin’ place (that’s how the kids would say it, right?). I recently was sent there for a work assignment and I have to be honest… I was excited! Dallas is home to some of the top rated burger joints in Texas and the country. Lucky for me, I had a few coworkers who are not just Dallas-ites(?) but also burger lovers! You would be surprised how many of us are out there… Well, I guess if you are reading this then it should be no surprise. Anyway, the number one burger in Dallas, as voted by the people I know who live there is Angry Dog! That is a good enough endorsement for me. My experience at Good Dog in Philadelphia left me with high hopes for yet another (adj) dog themed burger joint.

I rounded up a few coworkers and early on a Tuesday evening, we headed down to the Deep Ellum section of Dallas. On the drive over, they explained to me that Deep Ellum was the happenin’ place to be  in Dallas but the trend has since moved on. When we got there, I saw what they meant. There were a lot of empty shops and buildings in what looked like a pretty nice area. There were, however, plenty of people going in to Angry Dog, which is always a good sign.

Bad Dog! –

We walked inside the barn door front and were immediately greeted by what is perhaps the most intimidating waiter I’ve ever seen. He had a long goatee and his rolled up shirt sleeves drew particular attention to scary size of his biceps. He politely greeted us and turned out to be a pleasant dude.  This place was packed and, as it turned out, our waiter was the waiter for everyone else too. I became very skeptical about the service we were going to receive. However, I quickly became amazed at the speed that our waiter was going from table to table, refilling drinks, taking orders, and bringing out food. It was really impressive.

We scanned over our menus which had all kinds of Texas style offerings but were here for the “Best in Dallas” Angry Dog burger. It comes with a half pound patty and veggies on the side. I opted to have my onions grilled and added jalapenos, American cheese, and a fried egg (of course). An interesting twist was the option for fries or refried beans included with the burger… I got fries.

Our wait was short and our waiter speedily brought out our drinks and then our burgers without a hitch. Visually, the burger spread was not the most impressive. The bun was a regular white bun and I personally am not a fan of having to separate the burger to put on the veggies. When I opened it up, however, the grilled onions, melted cheese, and fried egg began to get me excited. I quickly assembled mine and took a bite. Mustard! As is a Texas burger tradition, the mustard is leading flavor here. It complemented the beefy patty in both flavor and adding a little juiciness to it as it was a little more well done than I prefer. With the addition of grilled onions and the other veggies, this burger was plenty juicy. .. good. The fries were good too; fresh cut and fried crispy. One of the other Burger Tymers got the refried beans. I sampled them and frankly, I don’t think the beans went that well with the burger but it was an interesting twist.

The Wrap It Up –

We rounded out our meal with the desert of the day which was a chocolate cake. It was quite good and a nice way to end stuffing your face with a big burger. Overall, this burger was just plain good. Nothing special, nothing gimmicky. It was a straightforward, classic burger, with so many options you are the only one to blame if you don’t like it. The price was reasonable as well. The burger, fries, and drink came in at just under $10. The best part about this meal was the atmosphere. From the picnic table seating to the house rules of “No foul language” and “Don’t harass single women”, everything about this place was Texas at it’s best. If you are in the Dallas area, you should give Angry Dog a try.

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